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Obecnie poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko:


Data Center Operations Analyst

nr_ref: Dell-L

Miejsce zatrudnienia: ��d� woj. ��dzkie
wynagrodzenie: Do negocjacji PLN
forma zatrudnienia: Umowa o prac�

praca dla ciebie od zaraz, oferty pracy IT

We offer:
competetive salary plus bonus.


Praca IT




Function description:
Data Center design engineer responsible for the planning and execution of newly constructed data centers world-wide.
• Oversees the coordination of data center space/load allocation, design and layout.
• Involved in developing, modifying and executing data center policies and standards that affect immediate operation(s) and may also have company-wide affect.
• Provides guidance and leadership to lower level personnel.
• Provides complex technical direction related to data center design and architecture..
• ConConceptualizes, plans, and develops processes and solutions.ceptualizes, plans, and develops processes and

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• Responsible for having an advanced knowledge of standard production processes and data center infrastructure
• Excellent organizational and records management skills.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Excellent knowledge of data center critical systems.
• Excellent quality and process improvement skills.
• Advanced Visio and AutoCAD skills.
• Comprehensive understanding of Dell's server and storage hardware.
• Excellent problem solving and analytical skills.
• Excellent project planning skills. Experience
• A Bachelor’s degree and three-five years of experience managing installation support systems for a large multi-
   mainframe data center complex.
• A Master’s degree will substitute for one year of experience.
• Additional qualifying experience will substitute, year for year, for education.
• An HVAC technician certification is recommended.
• A fire protection system training certificate is recommended. The systems experience that is required includes a
   minimum of two years for each of the following systems:
• Fire protection/detection systems including VESDA, ICARO Fm200 or CO2. Wet and dry sprinkler systems including
   pre-action designs and UPS systems from 25KVA to 1000 KVA.
• Diesel generators and transfer switches from 60 KW to 1000KW.
• Electrical supply systems to and from the UPS as well as the distribution systems to the data processing equipment.
• Mechanical systems including precision data processing cooling equipment and specialized pumping systems for data
   centers and the HVAC systems for ancillary support.
• Direct digital control systems utilized for control and monitoring data centers.
• Security systems including card readers, closed circuit video and networked remote systems as well as computerized
   preventive maintenance management systems. The successful candidate will have experience designing and
   maintaining data center mechanical, electrical, and fire protection installations. Please site examples for each
   project managed. The successful candidate will have knowledge of computer center operations, including, theory,
   principles and practices of electrical and mechanical engineering (particularly as related to electrical, mechanical,
   and computer emergency and backup systems), inventory systems, computer hardware electrical and cooling
   requirements and cabling schema. Must have the ability to plan, organize and coordinate complex installation and
   maintenance activities within the data center without adversely affecting computer availability, communicate
   complex issues to management, and establish and maintain effective working relationships with local government
   officials and contractors.

   the candidate has to have fluent English and Polish

Oferty zawieraj�ce CV, list motywacyjny, koniecznie z dopisanym numerem referencyjnym, prosimy przesy�a� na adres: 

[email protected]

Prosimy o dopisanie nast�puj�cej klauzuli: "Wyra�am zgod� na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezb�dnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie

z ustaw� z dn. 29.08.97 o ochronie danych osobowych Dz. U. Nr 133 poz. 833). "


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