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 31-05-2008 11:49 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie
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 Oferta pracy - Palani Consulting SAP Basis Consultant --- wolne wakaty (3) --- data publikacji (29-05-2008 16:29)
Tytu� Palani Consulting SAP Basis Consultant
Stanowisko SAP Basic Consultant
Kategoria Informatyka
Region Unia Europejska - Holandia
Firma Palani Consulting
Do�wiadczenie od 2 do 5 lat
Wykszta�cenie Nie okre�lono
Umiej�tno�ci Technologie / SAP
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Specjalista
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Opis Stanowiska
For a large SAP transitionproject we’re looking for several SAP Basic Consultants for different roles like third line support, capacity management, systemspecialists and postsales consultancy.

We are looking for SAP Basic Consultants with 3 - 5 Years experience and knowledge of in the following area’s:

Unix (AIX ,Sun, HP) / Linux
Performance Management
Capacity Management & Storage
Change Management & Third Line Incident Management
Staging SAP Systems

The preferred availability is asap.

The professionals that Palani is looking for should have the following personal skills:

- Ability to excel in a team-oriented environment as well as work independently
- Able to meet deadlines and execute multiple priorities
- Autonomous and proactive
- Excellent English language skills
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Regulamin Serwisu | Polityka Bezpiecze�stwa | Polityka Prywatno�ci
Praca IT | HRAssistant | Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca | Praca IT | Projektowanie Logo, Ulotki, Grafika
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