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 Oferta pracy - Test Analyst --- wolne wakaty (25) --- data publikacji (26-06-2007 16:52)
Tytu� Test Analyst
Stanowisko Test Analyst
Kategoria Tester
Region Unia Europejska - Malta
Unia Europejska - Wielka Brytania
Do�wiadczenie od 2 do 5 lat
Wykszta�cenie Wy�sze licencjackie
Umiej�tno�ci Sprzeda� � Handel
Bazy Danych / E-commerce
Internet/E-commerce / Webmastering
Testy oprogramowania
Technologie / Technologie internetowe
Wynagrodzenie Minimalne - 10,560.00, Maksymalne - 18,230.00 Rocznie
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Specjalista
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Opis Stanowiska
Test Analyst

Skills Required:

Client interfacing
AGILE testing
Dot Net
Test Director
Test Issues
Test Planning
Test Scripts
MS Access
MS Project
QA run
Web Applications understanding

Experience required:

Experience working with devolvement teams.
Experience working with end users.
Batch Experience.
Recording of code issues.
Work to deadlines.
Work under own esteem.
Understanding of business requirements.
Commercial test analysis experience.
Best practice for test quality assurance process.

Daily Objectives:

To support development in an agile approach to reducing time line delivery peace part components. Working with Development to understand the deliverable with White box testing while generating black box test scenarios to support system testing in an integration method approach.

To analyze the optimum root for system testing components using agile test. To support the integration team lead and to support the automation team. To work closely with the test resource in carrying out and conducting meaningful testing to satisfy the business requirements and functional speck documentation. Collating results into test director and devising the system testing through the test director tool. To produced daily test status reports for test management.

To analyses the results of the tests conducted and to offer support to development in the correlation / evidence to replicate the results to help resolve of the issue within the testing policy objectives.

We offer a great package of benefits and attractive salary.

Applicants must be willing to work in UK or Malta. Fluent written and verbal skills in English are essential.

For mor information visit our website on: or send us an email with copy of your CV to: [email protected]
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Regulamin Serwisu | Polityka Bezpiecze�stwa | Polityka Prywatno�ci
Praca IT | HRAssistant | Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca | Praca IT | Projektowanie Logo, Ulotki, Grafika
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