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 31-05-2008 11:31 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie
Zaloguj jako Kandydat
  Wyr�nione Firmy
  Osoby Online 5
  Pracodawcy Online 1
  Liczba Pracodawc�w 333
  Liczba ofert pracy 331
  Liczba Kandydat�w 9896
  Partnerzy i Linki

  - HRAssistant
  - Grafika Komputerowa
  - Portale rekrutacyjne
  - Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca
  - Tani hosting
  - Praca IT
  - tokarki frezarki

  Hellopoland Ltd
Nowe technologie/Informatyka
Forma Dzia�alno�ci
Agencja Rekrutacyjna
Pracownicy 100-500 os�b
Zachodniopomorskie, Niemcy
Obroty Firmy
100-500 Miliony EUR
Ilo�� plac�wek
Adres strony
Systemy Operacyjne
 Informacje o firmie

Our Client is an independent provider of financial market data and technology solutions to a global customer base developed over nearly 20 years.


Our Client operates a global array of ticker plants proving regional data collection, consolidation and distribution to all clients and ensuring that it’s range of consolidated feeds provide excellent performance to meet the increasingly exacting requirements of the global financial services community.


Our Client is wholly owned by a private equity fund. The fund, a long term investor in The Company, is a member of a group of funds which hold a broad portfolio of investments. Its range of investments in the financial services and financial technology sectors, include interests in, AK Jenson, the Channel Islands Stock Exchange and Phoenix Administration.


The Company's strategy is to continue to achieve growth through delivering a range of first class market data products and financial technology solutions to the institutional and professional market place through both direct services and redistribution relationships with partners including other market data vendors and application providers.


 Start | Ofert Pracy | Szukaj Firmy | Dla Pracodawc�w | Dla Kandydat�w | Kontakt
Regulamin Serwisu | Polityka Bezpiecze�stwa | Polityka Prywatno�ci
Praca IT | HRAssistant | Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca | Praca IT | Projektowanie Logo, Ulotki, Grafika
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