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 17-12-2007 22:33 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie
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 Oferta pracy - Java programer/Test Engineer --- wolne wakaty (1) --- data publikacji (15-10-2007 12:40)
Tytu� Java programer/Test Engineer
Stanowisko Java programer/Test Engineer
Kategoria Informatyka
Region Unia Europejska - Wielka Brytania
Firma limited
Do�wiadczenie od 2 do 5 lat
Wykszta�cenie Nie okre�lono
Umiej�tno�ci Programowanie / J2EE
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Pracownik szeregowy
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Opis Stanowiska
Job description:
We have a vacancy for a software application test engineer. The successful applicant will be able to set up test frameworks that will cover all major platforms (see requirements) for our commercial Java software applications. The ability to understand the underlying architecture and help identify and pin-point defects is also a requirement. The ability to correct defects would be an advantage. You will be part of a small, enthusiastic software team in a growing British company. There are great prospects for promotion for the right applicant.

If you are a good communicator with an extraordinary attention to detail and a meticulous approach to testing, we would love to hear from you.


* Good knowledge of Java SE.
* Good knowledge of testing frameworks and practices.
* Good knowledge of creating rich client desktop applications.
* Working knowledge of Windows XP/Vista, Mac OSX and Linux.

Please contact: [email protected]
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Praca IT | HRAssistant | Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca | Praca IT | Projektowanie Logo, Ulotki, Grafika
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