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 18-11-2007 05:22 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie
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 Oferta pracy - Software engineers, ��d� --- wolne wakaty (- - ) --- data publikacji (12-11-2007 12:29)
Tytu� Software engineers, ��d�
Stanowisko Software engineer
Kategoria Informatyka
Region Polska - ��dzkie
Firma Mobica Limited
Do�wiadczenie bez do�wiadczenia
Wykszta�cenie Wy�sze magisterskie
Umiej�tno�ci Programowanie / C/C++
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Pracownik szeregowy
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Opis Stanowiska
Mobica - is a software services company working at the forefront of mobile technology, working for the worlds leading mobile device manufacturers, mobile platform companies, chipset companies and operators.

We have over 100 staff working in offices in Manchester (England) and Warsaw in Poland. Our Polish offices are growing fast and with new offices in Lodz and Wroclaw we have very strong and solid growth.

At the moment we are looking for software engineers from a variety of backgrounds who want to develop their careers working on the latest mobile technologies. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your skills, receive appropriate training and to work in a highly supportive environment.

We offer:
- very good salaries,
- full-time long-term employment,
- excellent long term career development,
- private medical care,
- overseas travel for those who wish to travel abroad.

We require:
- Master degree in IT,
- C++ knowledge,
- Knowledge of Symbian or Brew would be a great asset for us,
- Good technical analytical and development skills in engineering work,
- Fluency in English,
- Ability to design, implement and inspect code,
- Good communication skills,
- Interest in mobile technologies.

We have exciting job opportunities in all our offices so if you want to join us at a time of superb prospects and rapid growth then email a copy of your CV and a basic cover letter to [email protected] .
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Praca IT | HRAssistant | Praca - Kadra Zarz�dzaj�ca | Praca - Portale rekrutacyjne | Projektowanie Logo, Ulotki, Grafika
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