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 14-02-2008 06:04 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie

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 Praca na stanowisku - Oracle Specialist --- wolne wakaty (1) --- data publikacji (11-12-2007 09:23)
Tytu� oferty pracy Oracle Specialist
Stanowisko pracy Solution Database Specialist
Firma Horyzont
Do�wiadczenie bez do�wiadczenia
Wykszta�cenie Wy�sze in�ynierskie
Umiej�tno�ci Bazy Danych / Oracle
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Specjalista
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Praca - Opis Stanowiska
Solutions Database Specialist

Nr ref: 1522.07
Miejsce pracy: Krak�w

Our Client is the largest global provider of Human Resources outsourcing services. Treating people with respect and achieving excellence are one of the values that our Partner adheres to. Presented position offers the possibility to join challenging project in the company of high culture standards.

- relevant academic (BSc, HND etc), technical(MCP, MCSE, CLP etc) or service management qualifications,
- experience in a customer facing IS support role, ideally in a process driven environment,
- experience of working as a Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 DBA,
- experience of Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL scripting and/or Oracle SQL scripting and/or,
- experience (ie: a good working knowledge) of Windows scripting and UNIX shell scripting ,
- very good spoken and written English language skills,
Preferred Experience:
- experience of implementing and supporting Microsoft SQL Server replication, clustering, log shipping and (for SQL 2005) database mirroring, performing Microsoft SQL2000 to SQL 2005 upgrades,delivering Microsoft SQL-Server performance and problem monitoring/alerting solutions,
- experience of delivering Microsoft SQL-Server Security Monitoring solutions - such as intrusion detection, invalid login attempts,
- experience of working as an Oracle v8/v9/v10 DBA,
- experience of evaluating new products/versions, and producing documented procedures on implementing these,
- experience of designing new technical solutions, eg: incorporating new database features into existing infrastructures,
- plus experience of Microsoft SQL DTS scripting,
- working knowledge of Lotus Notes, Windows 2000/XP and Microsoft Office,
- working knowledge of UNIX ,
- knowledge of Cognos Business Intelligence tools.

- deliver services in accordance with agreed timescales and procedures,
- support and promote the proper use of information technology by the staff in accordance with corporate and departmental standards and policies,
- continuously develop own skills and knowledge, keeping abreast of developments in own field
- conduct themselves in a business-like and professional manner as the interface between clients and other sections
- to work as part of the global IS organisation in the determination,
- adoption and maintenance of global standards,
- to build and maintain relationships as part of the global IS team.
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