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 24-03-2008 06:28 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie

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 Praca na stanowisku - Software Engineer --- wolne wakaty (20) --- data publikacji (18-01-2008 12:52)
Tytu� oferty pracy Software Engineer
Stanowisko pracy Software Engineer
Kategoria Programowanie
Region Polska - Dolno�l�skie
Firma TietoEnator Polska Sp. z o.o.
Do�wiadczenie pocz�tkuj�cy
Wykszta�cenie Wy�sze in�ynierskie
Umiej�tno�ci Programowanie / C/C++
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Specjalista
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Praca - Opis Stanowiska
Working in this position you will design and develop complex modules with your own creative solutions. You will work with cutting-edge technologies for the biggest names in mobile industry.
This is an excellent opportunity for talented individuals to create advanced mobile applications and supporting tools, used by millions of people around the world.
Our employees face clear career prospects, whatever direction they want to go. They gather experience both by working in multinational environment and during international travel. We strongly encourage personal development of every individual and we are proud of our team-oriented and friendly work culture.
Join us and work alongside first class developers and technology enthusiasts and participate in bringing mobile experience to the next level!

The successful candidate will have:
Experience in one or more of the following languages/technology areas: C++, Symbian, embedded systems.
Solid knowledge of OO design and analysis
Technical background - preferably MSc in Computer
Science/Telecommunications/Math/Physics or related discipline
Good English and team-working skills

We offer:
Competitive salary
Private medical coverage
Life insurance
Investment fund
Quarterly team event budget
Integration events, sports culture subsidy, lunches subsidy and other benefits
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