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 24-03-2008 06:28 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie

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 Praca na stanowisku - Software Developer embedded systems --- wolne wakaty (20) --- data publikacji (18-01-2008 12:59)
Tytu� oferty pracy Software Developer embedded systems
Stanowisko pracy Software Developer embedded systems
Kategoria Programowanie
Region Polska - Dolno�l�skie
Firma TietoEnator Polska Sp. z o.o.
Do�wiadczenie pocz�tkuj�cy
Wykszta�cenie Wy�sze in�ynierskie
Umiej�tno�ci Programowanie / C/C++
Telekomunikacja / Technologie mobilne
Wynagrodzenie - -
Do�wiadczenie na stanowisku Specjalista
Rodzaj umowy Sta�a - umowa o prac�
Wymiar czasu pracy Pe�ny etat
 Praca - Opis Stanowiska
Individual employed in this position will be responsible for:
Development of hardware related and system software for 2G and 3G mobile phones
Adaptation and integration of 3rd party software
Validation and test of software components

Our requirements:
Technical education (IT, telecommunication or electronics) MSc.
Experience in structured and object oriented software development (C, C++).
Experience in programming of embedded systems.
Knowledge of enhanced AT commands as a plus.
Knowledge of RTOS for embedded devices as a plus.
Experience in on-target debugging (e.g AVR Studio , Trace32) as a plus.
Enthusiasm for solving interesting problems.
Good team working skills.
Willingness for business trips and cooperation in an international environment.

We offer:
Competitive salary
Private medical coverage
Life insurance
Investment fund
Quarterly team event budget
Integration events, sports culture subsidy, lunches subsidy and other benefits
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