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 23-11-2007 10:02 Witaj, Zaloguj si� do swojego konta lub, Zarejestruj nowe konto w serwisie
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  Poland Direct
Forma Dzia�alno�ci
Agencja Rekrutacyjna
Pracownicy Poni�ej 10 os�b
Ma�opolskie, Polska
Obroty Firmy
1 Miliony PLN
Ilo�� plac�wek
Adres strony
 Informacje o firmie

Allow us to introduce ourselves we are Poland Direct a division of Linguistics from Krakow in Poland

We have been formed to provide a simple recruitment process for our partners, for the cost of a newspaper advertisement we supply a flexible service tailored to suit your recruitment requirements.


For the past 3 years we along with of main partner have provided jobs for over 4,000 polish workers in the U.K. and Ireland.

As a polish agency our fees are based on the polish economy not on the Irish our the U.K. so you will be presently surprised to hear we can provide you with workers from as little as 500 plz which is about

125 euro or 80 pounds.

We pride ourselves to been an efficient proactive agency who practice honest and integrity in all our dealings with our clients

We are simply here to provide you with an extra source for your recruitment solutions

If you are a one off employer or an employment agency we aim to provide you with a low cost service which will become your first choice in recruitment

Think recruitment think Poland Direct
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